Nuffnang is a program to make money like other programs specifically based on the concept of Pay Per Click or advertising such as Google Adsense, Bidvertiser and some other PPC program.
Nuffnang facilitates advertisers to advertise their products on blogs who signed up with Nuffnang.
Firstly, please make sure you don't serve any other SEA(South East Asia ads) such as Advertlets. This will cost you to sacrifice your Gliterrati membership. Your earning will be very low and your chance to get buffered CPC campaign will be lesser. Anyhow, I will keep encouraging you to serve Nuffnang ads.
Secondly, do understand what are the meaning of CPC ( Cost Per Click ) and CPM ( Cost Per Impression ). I assume of you understand what is the meaning of CPC. Therefore, let's skip to CPM. CPC campaign - What you earn depends on the number of Average Unique visitors you received in the week that the ad campaign is built. No matter how low your traffic is, you'll still earn money.
Nuffnang only pay you unique visitors from Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines and Australia.
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